How to Make a Successful FWB Relationship

One of my friends is obsessed with NSA relationships. He feels that this relationship can satisfy his needs, one is to solve his sexual desires, the other is to enjoy sexual pleasure with different people. I heard a lot of stories about him and learned a lot from him about how to run a successful FWB relationship. To help other hookup finders achieve this goal, I share some useful experiences in this article.

1. Don't build this relationship with your closest friends.

If your new FWB is a close friend of yours, you should consider delaying or stopping the casual encounters relationship. We know it may be hard to do, especially if she's your longest fantasy, but it's the most logical thing, unless you want to lose a source of emotional support if you need it in the future. If you want to talk to someone, it should never be your FWB. It's not too late to stop now; both of you can simply treat it as a one-off chance encounter and continue to be good friends.

2. Don't act intimately.

When it comes to FWB relationships, don't show your emotional attachment to your partner, or it will soon escalate to something painful and dramatic. Many studies have shown that acts such as kissing the forehead and hugging release oxytocin into our system, also known as "hugging hormone" or "love hormone". The result is an emotional connection. Instead of a gentle kiss and a warm hug, why not upgrade it to some exciting foreplay?

3. Don't get involved in her personal life

When you realize that your FWB is actually dating adult friend finders, it's easy to fall into the trap of jealousy. This could be her real partner or another FWB like you - it's really none of your business. If you feel a little jealous, you may make yourself fall in love with your FWB emotionally.

4. She's not your only choice

If you are not her only fwb, why do you give her exclusive rights to yourself? Always back to the rules of the game - the FWB relationship should be fun and carefree. Don't let jealousy ruin your sex life. Instead, pay attention to other potential fwbs! There are many websites that allow you to do this.

5. Don't stay at her house.

Many men make a serious mistake, doze off immediately after having sex, and wake up the next morning with their fwb. If this had happened before, we would not blame you. After all, the two main sleep-related hormones oxytocin and vasopressin are released during orgasm. Here, discipline is the key - set the alarm clock immediately after sex. You can take a nap, but you must leave before the next morning.

The problem with waking up with her around you is that you've plunged yourself into an emotional attachment; women tend to be very emotional after marriage - somehow, it's inextricably linked to them.